I suppose now is as good of a time as any to start this new blog up. This page is going to be a feed of new projects, ideas, promotions for Sink or Swim, and rants from the art world. Don't worry, you'll be viewing more pictures then reading.
So, let's get started shall we?
Lauren and Chris recently moved into this beautiful loft apartment and asked me to do a painting for them. Granted, when someone gives me total creative control over something I usually like to go out of my comfort zone to try something new but considering this would be on the walls of their new home I wanted to keep it according to the guidelines of what they like. Therefore I did a portrait of Matthew Fox from LOST because both Lauren and I are in love with him and Chris likes the show too haha. I love doing portraits, I prefer it over anything else and it had been so long since I've seen one so it was a lot of fun for me as well. So here's that:

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