Amazing news everyone! I am really proud to report the recent events in my artistic life. Sink or Swim has been doing very well thanks to all of you and your incredible support! I recently decided to sponsor my friend's "The Swellers" from Michigan. Fortunately, they accepted my offer and have been doing amazing promotional work for me. Additionally, they are on tour with "Paramore." Ryan, the guitar player, showed Hayley (the singer of Paramore) my card and she checked out my site. One thing led to another and next thing I know, I have an e-mail from Hayley! Not only does she want to order shoes for her boyfriend Chad Gilbert of my favorite band of all time "New Found Glory," she wants prints of my own personal artwork! Paramore's newest album hit number one on the charts over Madonna which is a huge deal and Hayley still takes the time to check out my stuff and support the little guy. I thought that was really awesome and humbling. Needless to say I am more than honored to report that she loved my work. I'm really proud because I work really hard for all of this. Who knows what kind of doors this can open and if it doesn't I don't care because I'm not looking to gain anything. I started this company because it's fun and I love every second and every step that goes into the process. If Sink or Swim crashed and burned tomorrow I would be able to walk away with a smile on my face and a sense of accomplishment. Fortunately I'm going strong. So thank you again to everyone who has supported me in the short year and a half or so this company has existed. More to come on this story as it unfolds!
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